Program List

The number of (the)data : 6
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • School
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • School

An encouragement of love


Distractions are strictly forbidden for the student body leader of a super prep school where 95% successfully get into Japan’s most prestigious University of Tokyo. But then he falls in love for the first time. Turning his back on studies and defying school rules, he now stakes his life on the most difficult challenge of all: winning a person’s heart! But he is so undaunted by repeated failure that his quest soon takes on a life of its own, engulfing the hearts and minds of the entire school! Super elite boys in glasses take on forbidden "love” in this over-the top, no holds barred rom-com!


  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • For Women
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • For Women



Hanae dreamed of representing Japan in karate until misfortune deprived her of everything. She mopes about until she encounters Haruki, composer of the song that once motivated her before karate matches. Romance blooms but is complicated by Shingo, a flashy childhood friend long in love with Hanae. Meanwhile, Hanae harbors a secret” that she can’t tell anybody, and determines to experience “the last romance of her life.” Will this slightly awkward but unclouded heroine get her wish?

가라테 일본 대표를 목표로 살아가는 하나에.
갑자기 가라테 선수의 꿈을 접고 만다.
모든 것을 잃고 밑바닥 인생이라 느끼며 무기력한 일상을 보내고 있던 하나에는 시합 전에 언제나 듣던 승부곡의 뮤지션 하루키와 운명적으로 만난다.
가볍지만 한결같이 하나에를 짝사랑하는 소꿉친구 신고까지 끌어들이며 이윽고 삼각관 계의 사랑으로 발전해가는데….
하나에는 누구에게도 말 못 하는 어느 “비밀” 을 지닌 채「이것이 인생 최후의 사랑」 이라 다짐한다. 서투르지만 솔직한 하나에가 만들어가는 “처음이자 마지막 사랑” 의 행 방은!?



The small theater troupe "ENGINE" has its rehearsal hall in a dirty building near Tsutenkaku Tower in Osaka.
The young members of the troupe, including its signature actress Mai Yamaguchi, are hard at work on their rehearsals, even sparing time for sleep, as the Tokyo performance is just around the corner.
The piece they are working on this time is "DICE," the troupe's most famous work. It is a profoundly memorable work for the cast, which staged the play ten years ago and made its first foray into Tokyo with the current production. Therefore, the company's leader, Mr. Shigemori, is more enthusiastic than usual, but he is not satisfied with the performance of the troupe members and is becoming increasingly dissatisfied.
Then...Mai discovers a VHS videotape labeled "DICE" in the company's archives. It contained rehearsal footage of the first performance 10 years ago. As soon as Mai and her friends see the videotape, strange and inexplicable phenomena begin around them...

  • Action
  • Detective
  • Entertainment

  • Action
  • Detective
  • Entertainment


The No. 4 Mobile Investigation Unit was quickly pieced together as part of reform efforts to overhaul the police organization. There, a wild maverick of a cop, Ibuki, gets paired with a serenely composed partner, Shima. Their role is to be on call 24 hours to fill in gaps in police shifts by investigative Units 1 to 3, to be the first investigators on crime scene and to risk their lives for a perfect criminal apprehension rate. In an increasingly morally relativistic world, questions such as “What is real justice” are posed in thrillingly fast-paced and comical whodunit fare with each episode a complete story.

警察組織の働き方改革の一環で作られた臨時部隊「第4機動捜査隊」。 破天荒な野生児・伊吹と、冷静沈着な志摩はバディを組むことになる。 現存する第1~第3機捜のシフトの穴埋めをするのが彼らの役割で 24時間という勤務の中、どんな事件も現場に急行、初動捜査に当たる、犯人検挙に全てを賭けるプロフェッショナルである。 この多様化した時代に「正義とは何か」を改めて問う、スピーディーにスリリングに そして時にコミカルに展開する1話完結形式の「機捜エンターテインメント」。

경찰 조직의 업무개혁 일환으로 만들어진 임시 부대「제4기동 수사대」
전대미문의 야생아 이부키와 침착하고 냉정한 시마는 한조를 이루게 된다.
현존하는 3개의 기동수사대의 교대 근무 인원 보충을 하는 것이 그들의 역할로 24시간이라는 근무환경 속에서 그 어떤 사건도 현장으로 달려가 초동수사에 임하고 범인 검거에 모든 것을 거는 전문가이다.
다양화한 시대에「정의란 무엇인가?」를 다시 한번 묻는다. 스피디하고 스릴감 있게 때로는 코믹하게 전개하는 1회 완결 형식의「기동수사 엔터테인먼트」


  • Human
  • Romance
  • Human
  • Romance

marigold in 4 minutes


Mikoto Hanamaki is a paramedic with a special psychic ability: he can see the moment at which a person’s life ends. But the talent is a curse because despite his best efforts, he can’t seem to change that fate. Living with his sister-in-law, Sara, in an exceedingly pure yet somewhat taboo romance, Mikoto grows frantic when he sees precisely how her life will end in just a year’s time! Can this empathic paramedic, fighting on the front lines of life and death, find a way to alter the immovable hand of fate and save the one he loves?

구급 구명사로 일하는 하나마키 미코토에게는「사람의 마지막 순간이 보이는」특수한 능력이 있다. 하지만 모든 수단을 다 써도 그 운명을 바꿀 수는 없다. 그런 그가 사랑하는 사람은 함께 사는 의붓누나 사라이다. 사실 미코토는 사라가 1년 후에 이 세상을 떠날 운명임을 보고 만다. 사랑하는 사람을 위해 무엇을 할 수 있을까? 구급 구명사가“바꿀 수 없는 운명”에 맞선다! 「생」과「사」에 맞서는 구급사와 슬픈 운명을 짊어진 의붓누나와의 순수한 금단의 러브스토리.


救急救命士として働く花巻みことには「人の最期の瞬間が視える」という特殊能力がある。しかし、どれだけ手を尽くそうともその運命を変えることはできない。 そんな彼の愛する人は同居する義姉・沙羅。実はみことは沙羅が1年後にこの世を去るという運命を視てしまう。愛する人のために何ができるのか? 救急救命士が、“変えられない運命”に立ち向かう! 「生」と「死」と向き合う救命士と、悲しい運命を背負う義姉の純粋すぎる禁断のラブストーリー。

  • Family
  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • SF

  • Family
  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • SF

Galaxy Express 999 ~Galaxy Live Drama~

銀河鉄道999 Galaxy Live Drama

It is set in a high-tech future in which humans have learned how to transfer their minds and emotions with perfect fidelity into mechanical bodies, thus achieving practical immortality. However poors who can not afford the mechanical bodies are discriminated and persecuted by mechanical people.

Tetsuro Hoshino desperately wants an indestructible machine body, giving him the ability to live forever and have the freedom that the unmechanized don't have. While machine bodies are impossibly expensive, they are supposedly given away for free in the Andromeda galaxy, the end of the line for the Galaxy Express 999, a space train that only comes to Earth once a year.

Tetsuro encounters Maetel who is a dead ringer to his mother, who was killed by Count Mecha and gang of human hunters. Maetel offers him an unlimited use pass for the 999 if he will be her traveling companion. They continue their travel through space, in search of mechanical bodies. However Tetsuro does not know that Maetel has hidden agenda...